Things we loved about ZHS's implementation!
- Students at ZHS have learned a great deal about leaving a responsible digital footprint. The administration put their foot down on cyber bullying, sexting, theft, etc right away, and the students learned from their mistakes.
- Students do not have the excuse of "I forgot my homework" or "I lost the worksheet." Many teachers use apps such as Edmodo, so kids have access to everything they need for the course right on their IPads.
- Some students do not have wireless internet at home, so many teachers set aside the last 5 minutes of class to remind students to download any videos, worksheets, etc that they might need.
- Administrators use IPads at staff meetings to encourage teachers to try new things, EVEN IF THEY FAIL!! Teachers are encouraged to use IPads at their own comfort level.
- All IPads have "lock down" features so that individual Ipads can be forbidden from certain apps or even from downloading apps!
- Socrative is a wonderful app for polling students. This sounds like an easy way to handle FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS so that you have instant feedback!
- Teachers can spend time on curriculum NOT on making copies!!
- All students are on an equal playing field for what they can create and turn in!
- It is incredibly easy for students with IPads to cheat, so if you are giving tests or just have tests in your room, make sure kids cannot take pictures!
- Students were allowed unlimited access to apps at the beginning of the year and many were disengaged in class because of Skype, games, etc. The STUDENTS at ZHS told us to block all gaming apps ASAP!
- Sexting and Cyberbullying were a problem, but since the IPads are school property, it can be dealt with using school consequences (including locking down or taking away IPads).
- IPads with cheaper cases break REALLY EASILY. We are spending a lot of time finding a case that can be put in a backpack and not have the screen crack!
- At Zeeland, they offer IPad insurance for $60 or replacement IPads for $250. How will this go over in our community that is less economically advantaged?
- Not all teachers used the IPads to really change their classroom instruction. HOW CAN THESE DEVICES REALLY REVOLUTIONIZE TEACHING AND LEARNING?????????